Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I've been sitting here too long (not metaphorically speaking...like my tush hurts right now)

I have all of my support letters ready to go. All I need is the address to send support to. Check your mail soon...(Can I mention that I LOVE every one of you reading this?) :)

Ever since I got that rockin' phone call from Josiah Venture, I have had a major feeling. This feeling consists of excitement, fear and nervousness all in one. Surprisingly it creates a calm in me.

God is preparing me in a major way.

I want to disclose something to my favorites (that's you). I write these things not for the sole purpose of telling you how I am feeling about this mission, but I tell you these things because I want God to be visual. I want Him to get the credit for these thoughts of encouragement because He is the one who motivates me. If you look from the first day that I started blogging, until now, you can already see the beginning of something He is doing. How sovereign He is. How good He is. This is vulnerable for me (which I do not love, and I'm not good at) , yet God humbles me so that He is glorified.

"...that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of ful assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ" *Colossians 2:2

Preparing for what? Showing a love as authentically as I know how. Why?

"So we do not lost heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. Fir the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."
*2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (emphasis mine)

Did you hear that? What did it say? Personally.

Lord- May I not lose heart.
i love you


Anonymous said...

Miss Em:
I love your comments and your authenticity. Our mighty God IS preparing you...I also love the perspective of the Scriptures...that our current SLIGHT MOMENTARY afflictions (which often do not feel slight) ARE PREPARING us...I see you strive to know our awesome God in a deeper way every day. You are doing your part...now rest in HIM and trust that he will do HIS part while you are in the Czech. Blessings dear sister. Thank you for sharing what God is teaching you.

Anonymous said...

Those verses are key.
As we (body of Christ) come together in love, encouraging eachother during trials and afflictions, we are drawing closer to Christ.
Through reading God's word, spending time with other Christians, as well as one on one time with Him, our spirits are being renewed, lifted, and united. It is so easy for us as human beings to be distracted by the little afflictions in life here on earth, but if our focus is directed on Christ and eternal life with Him, those little afflictions have a new meaning; they are taken with a grain of salt. God is so much bigger! May we continually ask God to show us those things that our finite minds and eyes can not see, in order for us to focus and strive for what is most important; Christ and His will for us. Keep on keepin on as God continues to prepare the way for you this summer. You are being lifted up in prayer on a daily basis.
-Sarah Maurer