We were such a blessed team this past weekend. We got to visit a cottage with the Bohumin youth group.
Our Purpose? To get to know students on a deeper level before camp starts and to get students to come to camp!
I wish it was describable how much God blessed this time. Maybe it is... He created some really cool friendships and did it so naturally through us all during sports and LOTS (I should say hours) of card playing. There were several hearts opened to hear the gospel. Usually, we don't dive so deep so fast, but the Spirit led us to do so for sure. It was amazing. Ryan talked a little bit before our discussion groups. He basically said "You may be wrong in the way you think. A man's own way seems right to him, but ultimately leads to death (Proverbs 14:12)." Obviously, not just in those words, but enough to challenge some hearts and thoughts which made it easy to share the gospel in our discussion groups. It was a really cool way to open hearts to Christ and to have them come to camp with open minds.
I am so thankful for what God is doing in Bohumin. Please pray for this group to be thinking about where they desire to stand with God. Pray that their hearts would be ready to bring Him into their lives... I love you guys a lot. Thanks for reading.
Back at you on the loved. Cool stuff. Ryan's upfront...ness with truth was very encouraging to me. It makes sense, grace needs that truth to be truly valued but I find myself, hesitant to speak truth at first, wanting to first "establish a relationship" I think my early conversations could use more in the way of a truth nugget or two.
EM; how amazingly cool! God is using you in BIG ways, and though hey may seem small, or even nonexistant at times; just remember that He is using you to glorify Himself, bring people to Him, and to expand and enrigh His kingdom. You may never know how many people He touched through you. One thing is for sure; you will find out in heaven.
Miss you and think of you every time I drive by Soma Cafe, Salon Surreal, or go to Somanorh and that's a lot.
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